TY Halloween Beanie Boos 2016

TY halloween beanie boosIn our house, we try to keep candy to a minimum. During the Halloween season, my daughter has loads of opportunities to receive Candy. I prefer to give my daughter something that isn’t candy related for Halloween. Ty Halloween Beanie Boos make great Halloween gifts and Halloween party favors for children. There’s nothing better than cuddling up to a soft and fluffy plush friend.

Ty International is a major manufacturer of soft toys and beanies, most famous for the Beanie Baby craze which swept the world in the 1990s. Beanie Boos by Ty were first introduced in 2009. They are similar to Beanie Babies, but they have larger eyes and bigger heads. Their oversized eyes and endearing expressions make them a favorite, adored by children everywhere- including my three year old.

TY Halloween Beanie Boos 2016

From the Ty Halloween Beanie Boos 2016 collection comes “Mist the Ghost. He is anything, but scary!  Standing 6 inches tall this little fellow will make an amazing addition to your children’s collection of Ty Beanies. Featuring a smooth white coat and a round head, this doe-eyed stuffed ghost toy has synthetic beans that allow it to sit upright on flat surfaces. If you’re planning to decorate for Halloween and want to keep things more cute than spooky, Mist the ghost is perfect to add to your Halloween decor.

My daughters absolutely love Beanie Boos and Mist the ghost was a welcome addition to her collection. TY Halloween Beanie Boos

Ghoulie the ghost and Shadow the cat are also available from TY and perfect for Halloween gift giving. Get your kids excited for this holiday with cute Ty Halloween Beanie Boos.

Do you have a candy free gift ideas for Halloween? Be sure and leave a tip in the comment box.

Which is your favorite of the 3 Ty Halloween Beanie Boos?



Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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11 thoughts on “TY Halloween Beanie Boos 2016

  1. The Trick or Treat Ghost is my favourite. The kids get so much candy so these would be a better alternative for a Halloween treat from a grandparent or aunt or uncle.

  2. Oh I love Mist the ghost. So cute and you are right, not too scary for the little ones. What a great collection of Beanie Boos. And I love the name too. Perfect size for little hands.

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