Gust post Terms

Article submission guidelines for

Submit your article for publication

Today’s Woman is open to partnership in a wide range of forms.  Submit your article for publication. Please get in touch with us via our contact form to see how we can best work together. We also review products if you are interested in product reviews.


Submit only exclusive content that has not been published elsewhere. Try to ensure your article is easy to read, interesting, and engaging to reach as wide an audience as possible.


Contributors must own the rights to any content published. If you use photos/graphics/images/graphs/illustrations that do not belong to you, you must have permission and credit the source.

Word Count

Your article must be no less than 300 words in length and no more than 600. We reserve the right to edit for content and length, if necessary. Please also note that submissions of 800 words or greater may be refused or edited for length. Authors will be contacted for major rewrites. If detailed attributions are necessary, please incorporate them into the text.


Please make sure that your article is ready for publication, with suggested headlines. Please note that Today’s Woman has the final say in the shape the piece takes and may reformulate the headline as well as parts of the copy.

Photos will be added to your article at the discretion of Today’s Woman.

All content is on-page SEO optimized.


Authors are responsible for ensuring that they have the appropriate rights to submit, publish, and freely disseminate all materials published on

Today’s Woman reserves the right to remove embedded links that link to other websites, provided that the content of the other websites has been revealed as violating Today’s Woman’s standards.

Today’s Woman has the right to add links within your article that may link to other articles published on Today’s Woman or to other websites.
Any website to which an article is linked must comply with the laws and regulations of Canada.

We reserve the right to not link or to remove links to other websites.

We do not assume any responsibility for material on the linked site.

What is not accepted on Today’s Woman
  • Adult products and services are not acceptable.
  • Articles containing explicit sexual/anatomical language will not be accepted.
  • Articles for dietary supplements or vitamins are not accepted unless approved by the FDA.
  • We will not post content that includes abuse or allegations against individuals or groups, articles that discriminate, and prejudice or articles that include hatred.
Pitching ads

If you’re pitching an idea rather than sending a completed piece, please tell us what your piece will be about.


You are encouraged to promote your contribution as much as possible. If you want us to promote your article on social media that can be discussed.


At the end of your articles, you can add an author biography. You can also request that your contribution is published anonymously.

General Disclaimer

The views expressed in publications are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect Today’s Woman. We do our best to remove inappropriate links within articles with the help of our audience, who can report such listings to us.

The Legal Fine Print

You retain the copyright of the piece and grant us a nonexclusive right to run the piece online at today’ and link to it via our social media accounts.


How long before my article is live?

Most articles are reviewed within 1 business day. However, some articles take longer to be published if the ad requires a more complex review. We will let you know if there is a reason we cannot post your contribution.

How many links do you allow?

All links are do-follow unless you request no follow. You can add up to 3 links to websites, but only one link to your website within the body.

Will my article be removed?

All articles are permanent.

Thank you for reading this far. We’re always glad to make new connections and explore new possibilities. If you’re interested in publishing on Today’s Woman, please feel free to get in touch with Rose DesRochers. We will reply back within two business days.  If your article meets our quality standards and follows our guidelines, we’ll consider it for publication. Contact Us

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