Getting a Dog in the UK

Adopt a pet-save a life- Pet Appreciation Month


April 17th is National Pet Adoption Weekend. Now in its fifth year, Pet Valu Pet Appreciation Month raises much-needed money and supplies to support abandoned, homeless and abused animals in our communities.

So far, thanks to the annual April Pet Appreciation Month event, Pet Valu and its customers have donated more than $3.3 million to North American animal rescue charities and found homes for over 3,100 pets.

This year, Pet Valu is upping the ante, with a bold $1.5 million fundraising goal, which will take its total dollar and product donations up to $5 million in five years.

There are three ways you can show your Pet Appreciation:

  • Comment, like, share, retweet, or favorite a #PostaPaw messages or create your own using #PostaPaw. By doing so you will trigger a donation of 1 cup of pet food. Help Pet Valu generate 15,000 cups of pet food for deserving pet rescues. Visit them at or follow on Twitter @petvalu to learn more.
  • Visit your local Pet Valu throughout the month of April, purchase and sign an official PAW for $1, $2, $5 or $10 – or make a product donation to local animal rescue charities.

Is it time for your household to acquire a new pet?

Mark your calendar for upcoming National Adoption event!

  • Participate in National Adoption Weekend from April 17th – 19th when Pet Valu stores team up with local animal rescue organizations to help find forever homes for homeless pets. This year, Pet Valu is hoping to find homes for more than 2,000 pets in need. By using a shelter for your pet adoption needs . not only will you benefit, but you will be doing something to help your community, while saving the life of a special animal.

To learn more about Pet Appreciation Month and what’s happening in your community visit or

Every animal deserves a second chance!

Pet Appreciation Month

This beautiful dog would have been euthanized had she not been adopted!

My son’s sweet dog Tess (pictured above), is a rescue. Three years ago, my son had just left for university; a new school, new city, a new phase of his life-how exciting!

By the 2nd week, the novelty of his new surroundings was getting to him. My then 18 year old son found himself lonely, missing the faces of his beautiful girlfriend, friends, family and his pets back home. He started feeling homesick.

During one of our many phone conversations he mentioned that he wanted a dog. My husband and I knew that our homesick university student would benefit from a friendly furry face greeting him at the door every evening.

I had begun looking online, when I found some dogs being listed on Kijiji through Tweed Animal Shelter. My husband and I took a drive out to the shelter, and when we saw Tess it was love at first site- though we could barely see her under all the matted fur. Nonetheless, we knew right away that was the dog for our son.

Tess hasn’t let her rough start hold her back from being the star of the show. Tess was originally brought to the shelter after she was found abandoned in a house. She had obviously after just giving birth to a litter of puppies.

Tess has become an important source of social and emotional support for my son. There are many times when my son is working on an assignment for class and Tess is curled up right beside him, waiting for him to say that it is time for bed.

She has become my son’s incentive to get out and get some exercise, no matter what else is going on and as all pets do, she offers that connection that is comforting and if anything she helps keep my son sane during exams.

Take it from me, adopting a dog for my son was the best decision we could have ever made. Happiness truly is a warm dog.

If you were to ask me, “Who rescued who?” I say, they rescued each other!


About Pet Valu

Pet Valu, Inc. is a Canadian specialty retailer of pet food and pet-related supplies with more than 600 stores across Canada and the US. The Pet Valu family of stores consists of Pet Valu Canada, Pet Valu US, Paulmac’s Pet Foods, Bosley’s by Pet Valu and Jack’s Pets.

The Pet Valu family of stores pride themselves on providing pet owners with the best selection of pet care items at competitive prices, together with Pet Expert service, at convenient, neighborhood store locations. Pet Valu offers more than 7,000 products, including a broad assortment of premium, super premium and holistic private label brands scientifically developed by internal nutritionists.

Pet Valu, Paulmac’s, Bosley’s and Jack’s team members are true Pet Experts who can help you find the right nutrition and other solutions for your pets. Pet Valu stores are heavily involved in their communities, teaming up with animal rescues and adoption programs, and fundraising for animal shelters. To learn more about Pet Appreciation Month events, please visit: or


Do you have a pet adoption story? We would love to hear it.

Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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One thought on “Adopt a pet-save a life- Pet Appreciation Month

  1. My mom just adopted a new little dog. It came from a home where there was a toddler who was too rough with her. She gets along great with my mom’s other dog.

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