Bereavement Advice: How to Cope with a Death

Have you recently lost someone close to you? It can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel after you have lost a loved one, as the pain can feel all-consuming. However, there are several coping techniques that you can adopt to help you come to terms with a death and start to move forward with your life. In this article we will address how to cope with a death.

What does bereavement look like?


When you are going through a bereavement, it is important to remember that everyone grieves differently. Remind yourself that there is no right or wrong way to navigate grief. Furthermore, you are highly likely to feel different emotions from one day to the next, and again, this is perfectly normal.

Some of the most common emotions associated with grief are:

  • Shock
  • Numbness
  • Anger
  • Sadness

If the person you loved had been ill and suffering for a long time, you may even feel relief when they pass.

It is also common to experience physical symptoms of grief such as a loss of appetite, insomnia, and headaches. It is not uncommon for people’s immune systems to become weakened during grief which can also result in you picking up bugs more easily than normal.

How to cope with grief

How to Cope with a Death

When you are consumed by grief, it can seem like you will never feel any happiness or joy again, but you will. It may take a long time, but slowly, you will start to take pleasure in life again.

To facilitate the bereavement process, you may want to try some of the below coping techniques:

Take one day at a time

Going through the different stages and emotions of grief can take time, and you are highly unlikely to wake up one day and suddenly feel ok. Instead, you should aim to get through one day at a time, even if that involves just getting out of bed and having a shower.

Try and get out

How to Cope with a Death

Grief can be incredibly isolating, and even though you may feel like shutting off the world, this can hinder the healing process. It is important to try to go outside and get out of your house each day, if only for half an hour. If you feel up to it, try meeting a friend for a walk or a cup of coffee for company.

Remember your loved one

grief loss

Gone doesn’t have to mean forgotten, and many people take comfort from remembering their loved ones, especially in the early days of bereavement. There are many ways that you can remember a loved one, such as keeping their ashes close to you in a commemorative urn from or creating a memorial blanket.

Talk to a professional

If talking to your family and friends about your grief feels impossible, perhaps because they too are grieving, then it can be a good idea to seek professional help. This could be in the form of a bereavement counsellor, or you could join a local bereavement support group.

You might find that talking about your feelings to someone you don’t know is easier than speaking to someone close to you. Opening up about how you feel might help you to move on.

By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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