Prettie Girls Multicultural Fashion Dolls

The Prettie Girls Multicultural Fashion Dolls

The Prettie Girls Multicultural Fashion DollsA girl’s life is never complete without that one special doll. Dolls are usually one of the first props that children use in their pretend play. Regardless of what kind of doll your child prefers, one thing is certain: every child should have the opportunity to play with a doll that looks like her. Being able to identify with one’s heritage, no matter what it is, is crucial in a young girl’s development. The need for dolls that depict ethnic or multicultural features is essential in today’s diverse society. There are companies such as Hearts for Hearts Girls dolls, Maplelea Dolls, Groovy Girls, and America Girl – just to name a few, who provide dolls of ethnic descent.

The Prettie Girls Multicultural Fashion DollsThe One World Doll Project is the newest company that has taken steps toward diversity with the launch of its Prettie Girls doll line. Established in 2010, by Trent T. Daniel and Stacey McBride-Irby, The One World Doll Project endeavors to make a significant positive cultural impact through dolls.

Stacy McBride-Irby is a well-recognized figure in the doll-making business. A long-time Barbie designer, before leaving Mattel to found her own company- Stacey McBride-Irby believes dolls do help make a difference. “Imagery is so important in building the self-esteem of our girls,” she said. “They see everything out there of who they should look like. Dolls are the first thing little girls gravitate toward when they’re growing up.”

“The Prettie Girls are fashionable, smart, and inspirational. They serve as positive role models for young girls, promoting genuine values and realistic physical attributes,” stated Trent T. Daniel.

The 11.5-inch dolls are unique in their look, their backgrounds, and their stories that capture the essence of what every little girl can embrace and relate to. Stacey along with the One World Doll Project believes that little girls and their mothers are looking for images of beauty and fashion that mirror the same colors, shapes, and physical characteristics that they themselves possess.

Now available online at, the first two dolls available to consumers are Lena, who is African-American, Valencia, who is Hispanic — – Kimani, who is African; Dahlia, who is South Asian; and Alexie, who is Caucasian. Two more dolls will be available in 2015.

The Prettie Girls Multicultural Fashion Dolls

Each of the girls has her own back story and cartoon on the company’s YouTube channel, and all attend the Dream Academy of Excellence and are diverse in their styles and interests.

Cynthia Bailey, entrepreneur and reality TV star featured on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Atlanta™ is the first celebrity represented in One World Prettie Girls Signature Collector’s line.

I think ethnic dolls are so wonderful to have in this day and age. Not only is it important for a child to be able to have the opportunity to play with a doll of her heritage- I feel that the Prettie Girls can aid in helping girls have an understanding of ethnicity and race. After all, kids are easily influenced at a young age by the world around them, and the people they interact with. For young girls especially, something as simple as a doll can change the way they perceive others.

Do you know of any great toys that celebrate diversity? If so please share them in the comments.

About The One World Doll Project

Established in 2010 by Trent T. Daniel and Stacey McBride-Irby, The One World Doll Project is committed to changing the retail landscape of the doll industry. The Prettie Girls!™, are a collection of fashion play dolls diverse in culture, interests, and style. McBride-Irby, former Mattel® designer most notably known as the creator of the So In Style® dolls (the first African-American dolls by Mattel), designed the Prettie Girls as unique works of art for a growing market yearning for something new to experience. The Prettie Girls capture the essence of positive values and attributes that every little girl can embrace. “Prettie” stands for P(ositve) R(espectful) E(nthusiastic) T(ruthful) T(alented) I(nspiring) E(xcellent). Styled for play, yet filled with soul, The Prettie Girls set new, higher, values-based standards for beauty- positive goals that reach across the globe and up for the stars!


Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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