Princesses (Make it Now!) Press Out and Play

Press Out and Play Paper Dolls

paper dollsToday’s memory was sparked as I watched my daughter play with paper dolls. In the story of my childhood, paper dolls held a special place. I would save my money to get the ones I so longed for. Their simple nature allowed me to create an entire world, while playing quietly by myself. If you grew up in the seventies, chances are you remember paper dolls as fondly as I do. So many of today’s toys do not spark children’s imagination. While the Paper Dolls of old may be long gone, there are new dolls for children to enjoy. I get excited when I see a classic toy remastered for a new generation of children to enjoy. It brings out the child in me, and I am right there playing along. From Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and distributed by Raincoast Books comes press and play books.

With Princesses (Make It Now!) : Press Out and Play, there’s so much fun to be be had. The sturdy activity book has five vibrant princesses and their little animal pals for kids to press-out. Kids can then color the dolls, and add decorative touches to each doll with the stickers that are included in the book.

paper dolls

Unlike the paper dolls I so fondly remember from my childhood,  Princesses (Make It Now!) are made from sturdy board pages.

paper dollsWhile the recommended age is 6 to 7, the craft was easy enough for my daughter who is five to do on her own and I anticipate children as young as three could do the craft with some guidance.

Overall, these books are a simple craft for kids to use their creativity, and imagination. I am sure both Princesses (Make It Now!) and  Animals (Make it Now!) Press and Play will provide hours of fun for your little ones.

Animals (Make it Now!) Press and Play

Easter is just 36 days away. Why not add one of these press and play books to your child’s Easter basket.

Raincoast Books is an award-winning Canadian book distributor based in Vancouver, British Columbia.



Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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