RV Travel

Tips for Entering the World of RV Travel

Whether you are considering buying a secondhand RV or are planning to retire in style with a brand-new, straight off the forecourt model, there is lots to know, both about buying your vehicle in the first place and RV travel in general.

With that being said, here are four top tips for entering the world of RV travel.


     1.  Keep a Close Eye on the Weather

Motor home

First and foremost, every day, but specifically on a traveling day, it is essential to keep a close eye on what the weather is doing and, ideally, instead of just checking it at the beginning of the week, you should keep checking back in.

Frost, ice, and snow are all serious potential hazards when it comes to an RV, especially if you are new to the vehicle, with the extra weight your RV is carrying meaning a little incident that could occur in a car could instead be a terrible one.


     2.  Only Ever Travel in the Daylight

RV travel

The golden rule of RV travel is one that is the simplest thing to remember but could save you significant time and stress for the future and that is to only ever travel in the daytime.

Not only is driving in the light much safer and means you are far less likely to have an accident, but you will also be less likely to take a wrong turn, and, most importantly of all, there will be much more to see, making for a considerably more enjoyable journey.

Furthermore, there are myriad apps and websites that allow you to type in your proposed route that will inform you of any road closures and, additionally, ‘Plan B’ routes too.


     3.  RVs on the Beach

5th Wheel RV

Even though owning an RV means you are afforded ultimate freedom to travel, it may surprise you to learn that many people tend to stick to the coast and beach camping sites over traveling in more rural, forest areas.

RV campgrounds on the beach in Florida are a fraction of the price of a hotel or even a motel, especially during the summer months, and this, along with the ease and flexibility of staying in an RV, means such sites are booked up sometimes months or even years in advance.

In addition, make sure you read more than one review of any potential site.


     4.  Always Take Regular Breaks

RV travel


Next, if you were to ask any seasoned RVer one of their top tips to ensure safety on the road, it would be that regular breaks are crucial. Insure that your fridge console is packed with food for the road.

The last thing you need is to plan a too-tight schedule, where if you spend just a couple of hours longer at a particular site than you had planned to, you have to make up the time by driving longer than you should be at one time.

In addition, make sure you have a good breakfast before driving a long way, as the food will give you energy and help you to concentrate on driving.



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