Ice Cool - fun flicking board game

Ice Cool fun flicking board game – Brain Games

It's not just cool, it's ICE COOL!Ice Cool is a flicking dexterity game for two to four player, though it is better to play with four. The game plays out in about 30 minutes. It is recommended for children age 6 and up, though adults will enjoy the game as well. The game takes place in a school. The art work is pretty impressive, as each room has fun artwork to represent different rooms in a school — classroom, gym, cafeteria, etc.


  • 4 plastic penguins;

  • 5 carboard boxes — rooms;

  • 16 wooden Fish tokens (12 fish in 4 player colors and 4 fish in white color);

  • 45 Fish cards (each showing 1, 2 or 3 victory points);

  • 4 color reminder cards;

  • 4 penguin ID cards;

  • Rules.

How to play

It's not just cool, it's ICE COOL!In each round, one player plays the role of Hall monitor ( “catcher”) and the other players are “runners.” The catcher’s goal is to catch the other penguins (the Runners), who will try to collect fish hanging from the doors. The runners, meanwhile, try to successfully collect 3 fish by going through 3 door-frames on the board. If you are a runner you collect a fish card every time you successfully go through a door frame with one of your fish on it. If a penguin is quick and agile enough to successfully navigate more than one doorway in a turn then the player can claim a fish and card for each! Each player will get to be the catcher once.

Once the Hall monitor (catcher) has hit all of his opponents’ penguins, or a runner has caught all 3 of their own fish, the round is over. At this point, the catcher takes a fish card for every runner that he successfully ran in to, plus one for being the catcher. Then, a new round is started.

The end of The Game
Ice cool
The game ends after as many rounds as the number of players (each player will be the Catcher once). At the end count the victory points from your fish cards and the player with the highest total of victory points becomes the winner! In case of a tie, the tied player with the most cards becomes the winner. If this is also a tie, the tied players share the victory!
Flicking techniques

It's not just cool, it's ICE COOL!What really makes this game stand out is the penguins themselves. The weight in their base and the shape of their heads makes them swerve and jump.It does take some getting use to the various flicking techniques.

“If you want the penguin to move in a straight line, put your finger in front of it and make a push on the very center — it will move in a straight line. If you want the penguin to run around corners or make crazy turns, flick it on the same side you want it to turn. So if you flick its right side it will rotate to the right. Flick the penguin on the very top of its head, it will make the penguin jump.”

The game comes with an impressive, rule-book that is beautifully illustrated and covers all the rules for Ice Cool.

Overall, if you know someone who is a fan of dexterity games then Ice Cool from Brain Games would be a great gift! Grab a copy if you can.


Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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