White Noise Machine by BPOWER

While white noise machines, also known as sleep machines do help you fall asleep and they muffle out your spouses annoying snoring,  but they do have other benefits.  The machines will also help students focus by providing a consistent audio backdrop, even on loud campuses. And they provide some relief to tinnitus suffers. The white noise machine may even calm your anxious dog.

DBPOWER white noise machine review

The DBPOWER white noise machine features eight sound profiles including white noise, ocean, rain, birds, brook and two  DBPOWER White Noise Machinelullabies. The lullabies are my personal favorite, while my wife prefers the rain. The white noise profile on the machine reminds me of the static sound your TV makes when cable goes out.

The machine does an excellent job with masking some of the most disruptive and obnoxious household sounds. Example: the TV blaring and outdoor street noises.  Though, we find that some of the sounds do a better job at masking out background noises then others.

You can set the machine to turn off after a pre-chosen period of time (5, 10, 15, or 30 minute options). And you set it to play continuously throughout the night.  If lights keep you awake, the screen light dims after 1 ½ mins.

The Natural Sleeping Machine also comes with easy to use control buttons. The buttons are big and easy to read for anyone with eye problems. The volume control is marked as a minus – to decrease or a plus + to increase. Some of the sounds are a tad loud, even when on the lowest setting.

The machine also features my wife’s personal favorite- a built in clock. Therefore, if you want all the bells and whistles the DBPOWER White Noise Machine machine might be the sound machine for you.

If you looking for a portable sound machine that you can take with you when traveling, the DBPOWER machine is super light and doesn’t take up much room. It runs on 4 AA batteries or an ac adapter.

The instruction pamphlet ts quiet easy to read and very easy to follow. The overall look of the Natural Sleeping Machine at first glance reminds me of R2-D2 from Star Wars.

Overall, If you’re looking for a portable sound machine with 8 separate sleep profiles at a reasonable price, this is a good choice.

While some features do fall in comparison to other higher end sound machines on the market, it does come equipped with some relaxing sounds that would effectively function to help you fall asleep, drown out background noise while studding or working and assist with tinnitus therapy.

We will update the review in a months time to let you know how the machine is helping our daughter’s tinnitus.

Pick up a DBPOWER White Noise Machine via Amazon.ca or amazon.com.

Shawn DesRochers is a certified Microsoft technician and Programmer with 30+ year’s experience. He has written many reviews on computer related products and software, as well as reviewed non computer products here at Today’s Woman. When he’s not writing reviews he can be found at Blogging Fusion Blog Directory - https://www.bloggingfusion.com or running his in home computer business.
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