Writing Journals


 writing Journals

While the blogosphere may have has reinvented the Internet and revolutionized how the ordinary person communicates with the world, adolescents and adults are still turning to writing journals to organization their thoughts.

For centuries, Journals have been used as a form of emotional release. Writing can do wonders for ones health. Are you aware that regular journaling strengthens immune cells, improves cognitive functioning, reduces stress, and decreases the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis? Writing about stressful events in our life also helps us come to terms with them, thus reducing the impact of those stresses on our physical health. Many health care providers have also have incorporated writing therapy as part of grief recovery and cancer treatments.

Journaling is an excellent way to combat memory problems as well. Some professionals have recommended writing in a journal as a way to help stop the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

For anyone who has suffered a brain injury, like my daughter, keeping a journal helps with short term memory deficit, a common challenge for many survivors.  JournalsKeeping a journal also serves as a record to be surveyed over time to track progress. For anyone living with a traumatic brain injury maintaining a writing journal is a natural way to exercise the brain.

A vital part of any writing endeavor is to use a writing journal to generate ideas for future writing projects. My son uses his to write down poems, thoughts, feelings, quotes. For my university son, journaling is also a useful tool that helps him de-stress.

The gift of a writing journal could be the beginning of a new chapter in your or your recipients life. Many have reported that keeping a journal, has enabled them to reach points of their life that they may not have reached otherwise.

Writing journals

Peter Pauper Press has a wide selection of journals. Choose from a wide selection of offerings to match your style.  And, as always, you can count on sturdy bindings and high-quality paper no matter the choice.

Travel journalsTravel journals are great mementos. It goes without saying that memories of trips and vacations fade with time. A trip journal is a terrific way to capture those travel memories and keep them forever.

If you have not begun to keep a writing journal , perhaps 2015 will be the year to start.

PETER PAUPER PRESS, founded in 1928, is one of America’s leading publishers of fine gift books, humor books, compact references, travel guides, unique journals, quality stationery, holiday cards, and innovative children’s activity books. You can connect with Peter Pauper Press at peterpauper.com, or on Facebook, and on Twitter.

By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

One thought on “Writing Journals for women- the perfect gift”
  1. I have never been one for keeping a journal. The ambigram journal is so beautiful that it might encourage me to go on ahead and start keeping one just as I have been meaning to do. My grandfather kept a journal, and it is great reading back as to what he did that day. On the day that my mom got married to my dad, there was an entry that said, “Beautiful day. Beautiful bride.” These are things that a journal could share with future generations.

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