Baby Gourmet

Congratulation your baby is now six months. Now that your baby has reached six months, what’s the next step? By about six months, you’ve probably started noticing signs that your baby is ready to have more than just breast milk or formula. You may have already begun feeding her rice cereal. Now is the time to start offering fruits, vegetables, and meat one at a time so you can monitor her reactions to certain kinds of food. Starting solids should be a fun experience. As a parent, we want to serve our children the very best food possible- and one of the best products on the market is Baby Gourmet Baby Food. There is an upside and downside to everything we do as a parent. We all make our own choices. While there is much debate on the topic of homemade baby food vs store-bought food, both are both good choices for growing babies.

Baby Gourmet's New Protein Purées



Homemade food does of course have its advantages over store-bought food. Though it takes much time to prepare it does cut costs. To cut down on some of that time, there are fancy all-in-one food processors that steam and food-process.

For busy parents on the go sometimes their best and only option is to stock up on jars of pureed fruits, vegetables, and meats. Both of my now adult children made it through the solid puree stage with not much of a fuss. My oldest daughter mostly ate the jarred food, while my son was happy to eat both jarred and foods I pureed myself.

Baby Gourmet’s New Protein Purées

My daughter however can be rather fussy when it comes to food. Around the age of six to 9 months, she would happily woof down anything we fed her. Then one day it happened. She decided just before her 1st birthday that she did not want to eat jar food anymore. And so we started giving her finger foods combined with the one brand of store-bought food that she loves and will still eat- Baby Gourmet Tasty Textures Purées. It is by far the best fresh-tasting baby food on the market and yes I admit- I taste-test baby food. In the words of my husband- num nums.

Baby food sure has changed since I had my first baby 24 years ago! When she was first starting food there were limited options and sampling purees definitely wasn’t a pleasant experience back then.


Baby Gourmet

Baby Gourmet

Baby Gourmet is made right here in Canada. It’s 100% organic, with no fillers or thickeners, and no added salt or sugar. The Baby Gourmet line was started by mom Jennifer Carlson who wanted better options for her baby and saw a need for quality, organic baby food. Jill makes sure all the Baby Gourmet recipes are filled with only the best, freshest, organic, kosher ingredients from around the world and those ingredients are listed right on the label so you understand just what is going into your baby’s food. I liked how the ingredient list was short, simple, and easy to read. Baby Gourmet has three progressive stages suited for babies 6+, 7+, and 8+ months. Each stage of food gets more complex by adding a flavor or texture.

Baby Gourmet Tasty Textures for babies 8+ months provides just the right consistency in their protein recipes to provide more texture at mealtime. Choose from Vegetable, Beef & Barley, Vegetable Lentil Dahl, Chicken Minestrone Soup, Veggie Beef Bolognese & Pasta Stars, and my daughter’s personal favorite Fruity Chicken Tagine. The Vegetable Lentil Dahl is completely unique to Baby Gourmet and I haven’t seen anything else like it from other baby food makers. The ground meat in the Tasty Textur line is a bit grainy, but then it is pureed meat and my daughter doesn’t appear to mind.

Instead of jars, Baby Gourmet uses a BPA-free pouch that is slim and easy to throw into a diaper bag or purse. The fruit and veg purees are re-sealable and can be used by simply squeezing onto a spoon. The protein purees however do not come in a re-sealable package.

Overall, I am quite impressed by the healthy and inventive food from Baby Gourmet! Not only do we buy the Tasty Textures, but we also purchase quite a few of the fruit and vegetable purees. A wide range of yummy flavors are available including Baby’s Sweet Potato Pie, Apple Sweet Potato Berry Swirl, Old Fashioned Apple Crisp, Banana Apple Fig Oatmeal & Greek Yogurt, Tropical Banana Bliss and Harvest Pear, Pumpkin and Banana- just to name a few.

By Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers leads Today's Woman with her blogging and writing expertise. Have a product to review? Get in touch for a fair evaluation!

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