To Write Love on Her Arms

To Write Love on Her Arms

To Write Love on Her ArmsTo Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people suffering from depression, addictions, self-injury, and suicide. The purpose of TWLOHA is to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly in the recovery of those who are suffering.

Untreated depression is the leading cause of suicide among 18-24 year olds, and suicide is the third leading cause.

To write love on her arms is a wonderful organization, and I wish it had existed when I was in high school, feeling alone and struggling with depression.

As someone who has watched someone very near me struggle with self-help programs, changing medications, and being hospitalized in a psychiatric ward, I am very passionate about the organization. Despite having a loving family, she sometimes feels alone in her illness.

Statements such as these are included in TWLOHA’s vision:

“You were created to love and be loved.”

“You need to know that your life matters.”

‘To write love on her arms’ is all about, reminding people they are not alone.

When someone is suffering, the best thing we can do for them is to let them know they aren’t alone.

“To Write Love on Her Arms” was founded by Jamie Tworkowski.

He started the movement in 2006 as a way to help his friend Renee. Jamie started selling t-shirts as a way to pay for Renee’s treatment.

The group travels around to college campuses, and church events encouraging people to literally write LOVE on their arms as a sign of support for those suffering from depression and addiction. To Write Love on Her Arms” has now grown to be a global movement that has helped many people.




Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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2 thoughts on “To Write Love on Her Arms

  1. I too wish this amazing organization had been around earlier. I was very glad to have recently learned of its existence and have been reading up on their efforts and following them on social media since. Having been down all of those roads and still struggling day-to-day, I can say that even despite the lessening of social stigma surrounding mental illness there’s still a lot of work to be done. Kudos to Jamie for having started TWLOHA; I know it will be a wonderful resource for many.

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