How to Prepare for Finals

Each of us who has ever been at college knows that cramming for finals can get really devastating and stressful. First, you procrastinate, sincerely believing that you still have plenty of time, then you start preparing when it’s already too late, and you pull an all-nighter hoping it would help. And what is the result? […]

JumpStart Academy Kindergarten

Though school may be out for the summer that doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute to your child’s learning with JumpStart Academy Kindergarten. JumpStart Academy Kindergarten is a game from the JumpStart Academy series intended to teach a full kindergarten curriculum. Lessons are created by teachers and early childhood experts to ensure that your child […]

Wall Stories – An Innovative Line of Interactive Wall Decals Featuring AR Technology

Looking for a fresh, one-of-a-kind, enjoyable, and educational activity for your child? At our house, we recently experimented with wall stories interactive room decor from Canadian Company Quinco & Cie. This line of interactive wall decals that utilizes augmented reality (AR) is not only a fantastic addition to my children’s playroom, but it also comes […]

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