Preventing Common Illnesses

Six Tips for Preventing Common Illnesses

Common illnesses and chronic diseases plague many individuals in the U.S. and worldwide. According to AHA, in America, it is estimated that almost half of the population, or nearly 133 million people, suffer from at least one chronic disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, or heart disease, to name a few.

This number is already higher than a decade ago and is expected to rise further in ten years.

Careful estimates suggest that almost 170 million people will harbor some kind of disease by the end of this decade. These numbers are troubling indicators, and while most chronic ailments come from unpredictable factors, common illnesses like the flu, numerous viruses, and other related diseases can be prevented through a handful of tips.

Here are some of the actions that can keep you safe and let you live a long and healthy life by preventing common illnesses:

1.    Shun unhealthy habits like smoking

Stop Smoking

You will hear a hundred different opinions from smokers. You will watch them live relatively healthy and long lives, but at the end of the day, smoking is a habit that damages your body extensively.

Research routinely proves smokers are more likely to develop numerous illnesses, including chronic diseases, than non-smokers. Smoking, among many other things, weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to common ailments like flu and cold.

Smoking is also a leading cause of lung cancer. Interestingly, at times, if you or someone you know has contracted the disease due to products containing asbestos, they can seek legal repercussions through a reputable organization like the Lung Cancer Group.

However, this is not always the case, as smoking is a habit people indulge in willingly. Therefore, It is advisable to start your journey toward avoiding common illnesses by shunning all forms of tobacco inhalation.

2.    Turn your food choices healthy.

Common Illnesses

Maybe one of the most commonly heard sayings is, “You are what you eat”! This statement has more weightage to it than people attach. A recently concluded study highlighted that consuming more than four servings of ultra-processed food resulted in an increase of 62% in mortality by any and all causes.

Moreover, by adding a 5th serving, the possibility can rise by as much as 18%, which is staggering.

Wondering what ultra-processed foods are? They include white bread, sodas, chips, milkshakes, donuts, coffee creamers, cookies, instant oatmeal, protein and granola bars, and breakfast cereals. If you want to build a strong immune system and a healthy body, avoiding these foods as much as possible is best.

Instead, substitute them with nutritious options like fruits, vegetables, nuts, lentils, beans, and brown rice, to name a few.

3.    Constantly monitor your blood pressure.

blood pressure monitor

Did you know that 45% of all adults in the country suffer from hypertension? Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure in numerous vessels of the body becomes too high.

The normal blood pressure for an average adult is 120/80 mmHg. People with hypertension can routinely report blood pressures of 140/90 mmHg or even higher.

This sustained pressure can lead to fatigue, common ailments, and chronic conditions like heart disease and stroke.

Therefore, monitoring and controlling your blood pressure is an effective way of keeping the body healthy. Diet and exercise have a considerable role to play here. Fat buildup in vessels can restrict normal blood flow, leading to hypertension.

So, losing even a little bit of fat through exercise or other means can improve your health by normalizing blood pressure.

4.    Exercise is key


According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 4 men and 1 in 3 women don’t have adequate physical activity during the day. Overall, rates of insufficient activity have increased by almost 5% over the last decade, given the rise of jobs where a substantial chunk of people’s time is spent sitting.

In fact, working from a chair has become so common that the saying “sitting is the new smoking” has become a norm.

Just lounging away for excessive periods of time has far-reaching impacts on the human body. It weakens the immune system while increasing the fat build-up in the body.

Scientists assert that at least sixty minutes of moderate or high physical activity daily is crucial. If you find it hard to find one hour continuously for exercise, you can break the period into smaller intervals, like 20 minutes of walking at least three times a day.

5.    Check your BMI Index in check.

The BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a crucial parameter that ascertains whether an individual is healthy or not. Generally, the guidelines state that anyone with a BMI under 18.5 is underweight.

The normal is between 18 and 25. Anything above 25 but lower than 30 is overweight, and beyond 30, a person is considered obese. These are guidelines that help determine what body weight a healthy individual needs to maintain so that they can avoid catching most ailments.

A healthy body weight is a deterrent for not just common diseases but chronic illnesses as well. People who are obese or even overweight generally tend to have a higher tendency to catch diabetes, become hypertensive, or suffer from heart disease.

The excessive fat build-up in the body leads to blockage of arteries, which can also cause a stroke. Moreover, the fat in and around organs can hinder their normal flow, leading to a weaker immune system and normal body efficiency.

6.    Fix your sleep patterns.


Proper sleep is one of the most underrated elements in keeping your body healthy and free from common illnesses. In today’s fast-paced modern life, it is common for people to get significantly less than 6 hours of sleep a night, while the parameter of efficient normal sleep is 7 to 9 hours a day.

Being well-rested gives the body ample space to recharge and rejuvenate, enabling it to perform various functions more efficiently. This also includes boosting the immune response to protect against common ailments.


Keeping your body healthy and functioning properly requires effort. There are significant lifestyle changes that this mandates.

To protect yourself from common ailments, you need to eat healthy, sleep right, exercise, and check vital parameters like your BMI and blood pressure.


I'm a word wizard, spinning tales and crafting content like a caffeinated octopus on a laptop! Whether it's articles, blogs, or digital magic, I whip up all kinds of written delights.
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