
6 Habits to Help You Become a Super Mom!

Most of the time being a mother doesn’t feel Super at all. Because being a mom truly is a job which makes you work overtime constantly, you may feel like you’re losing your sense of self in your family. Supermom is someone who cares for herself and her family at the same time. By following our simple tips, you’ll develop habits which will make you feel like a Super Mom in no time.

Make food preparation as simple as possible

Super Mom

Super Moms have time for themselves. In order to maximize your down-time you should figure out which one of your motherhood tasks can be simplified. One of the most obvious and time consuming ones is meal preparation. Reserve one day a week for chopping your groceries up so that you have all of the ingredients ready for assembling dinner. In the meantime keep them refrigerated in plastic or glass boxes.

Buy your groceries online

Buy your groceries online

Another way to simplify feeding your family is to order your groceries online. If your toddler consumes milk formula you can find some great options online such as Enfagrow stage 3. This way you will not spend time wandering the grocery store isles and waiting for the checkout instead everything will be delivered right to your door.

Use mornings to your advantage


Great habit to have as a Super Mom is to wake up at least an hour or two before your kids. While they’re asleep you can enjoy that first cup of coffee without being bothered and also get a head start on the day. Our advice is to finish the most stressful and time consuming chores in the mornings so you wouldn’t have to think about them during the workday.

Procrastination is your enemy

We are all humans and procrastination is probably the most natural way of thinking for most of us – if not all of us. However, don’t give into the procrastination demon. Tasks are there in order to be done and when they’re finished only then you can unwind and enjoy playing with your kids. Minimizing stressful situations

Keep a calendar

In order to be the most effective with time management keep a family calendar. Even though we live in the information era and everything is being kept online, we advise you to print out a big event calendar and put it up somewhere where the entire family can see it. A cabinet in the kitchen or the fridge are perfect places for it. Encourage your family to mark up the events they need to attend and other important dates on it. This way you can all easily keep track of what needs to be done.

Schedule your alone time

woman reading
Now that we’re on the topic of scheduling, another thing that is preferentially scheduled is alone time. This way no one can take it away from you. You should choose one day every month, which would serve as your ‘alone time day’. Mark it on your family calendar so that everyone in the house is familiarized with it. Of course, do not leave the house on fire – take care of everything that needs to be done and have your alone time in peace. This day is yours to spend as you please. You can go out with your friends, have a hike on your own or go shopping – whatever would make you happy and energized until the next month and another ‘mom day’.

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