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Solo travel safety tips for female travellers

Solo travel is a great way to explore the world for anyone. Solo female travel continues to grow more popular as more women explore traveling as a hobby, a green tick on their bucket lists or just exploring the world and its different cultures.

While making the most of your solo travel, you should also follow tips that ensure you are safe throughout your tour in any part of the world. Women are at more risk especially when traveling alone. You need to take some steps to ensure travel security and safety every time. If you are considering a solo trip, here are some safety tips you should keep in mind.


7 Tips for Moving Abroad

This applies to practically everyone looking to travel to a foreign country. The first thing any logical person should do before booking a flight and planning a whole trip to any location in the world is to do plenty of research.

You need to learn everything about the place before you visit. It is important to do your research on the tourist destination as well as culture and local people but check up on personal stories from people who have traveled to that destination before. I would encourage you to get information from solo female travelers as you can relate more to them. Also, does some research on popular scams in that area before you go.

Start small

This is one of the most important tips for first-time female solo travelers. You don’t have to start big like many people you see on social media. For instance, you can start by visiting different states and cities, then countries and work yourself up to solo international travel.

It is a great way for you to adjust to new people, new cultures, and the idea of different places and ways of living before you try international waters.

Be aware at all times

Because you are in a new/strange location you have to pay attention to everything especially because you are traveling solo. This is the best way to spot potential predators like thieves. Watch for people who are walking too close to you or appear to be watching you too closely. Walk to the other street or into the nearest café just to be safe.

Write a journal


Regardless of how good your memory is, it is important to keep a travel journal. It’s actually hard to remember everything since you have a lot going on for you. The details will not fade away if you keep short notes in your journal. This can be very helpful during any emergencies.

Safeguard your valuables

Some of the top scams around the world include pickpocketing and theft. Regardless of where you travel, you have to keep your valuables safe at all times. This includes your camera, phone passport, other documents, and wallet.

If you are alone, a backpack will be easy to snatch from; consider wearing a waist bag under your clothes or sweater for safety especially when you get some distractions. Make sure you make digital prints and leave a copy of all documents at home as well as at the hotel in case you fail to safeguard them properly.

Keep an open mind and blend-in



It is easier to travel to a location where they speak your language because they can accommodate you more. Most people don’t understand how challenging it is to travel to a place where the people, language, and cultures are not the same as their own. You should respect and participate in some of the activities in that local area as a gesture of appreciation. The best to do this is by blending in with the local crowd. Dress as they do and eat as they do but stay respectful to the people and their culture while you are at it.

Take self-defense classes

Combat Sports

Frankly, knowing the cause of action to take in case you get attacked will help you gain make confidence and also be ready for solo travel as a woman. If self-defense classes are not for you, you could opt for defense gadgets as long as they are legal in the country of destination. Always be careful about fighting back in case of an attack. If they are wielding any weapons, it is better to give up your belongings and stay safe than fight and gets seriously injured or worse.

Always trust your instincts

While you may be traveling alone, you find yourself looking for directions and answers from strangers. Most of the people you will encounter will be helpful and kind while a handful will not have the best intentions for you. if you develop any gut feelings that an individual has bad motives for you, you should do everything to get out of that situation before it gets bad.

Don’t travel at night

Anything bad or dangerous is more likely to happen during the night as opposed to day time. To be safe; don’t travel to a strange place so you can arrive during the night. Try to schedule all your bus, train and airplane tickets for day time. Don’t walk out alone at night time. Don’t carry all your valuable documents with you; leave a copy at the hotel and make sure you take enough cash with you.

If you see the need to travel out, keep an eye out at all times. Find a group of people you trust to go out with or just hand out at the hotel bar. Don’t take alcohol or be very careful about the drinks they serve you. Basically, follow all the rules you do when you go out drinking alone if you do. Only order

Join guided tours

While traveling solo, you need all the breaks you can get because you will be alert and on guard the entire time. This is why it is convenient to get a legal day guided tour. Check for guided tours on official government websites to make sure you are joining the right one. You get to enjoy an inside view of the country without having to worry about the dangers that come with traveling and touring.

Final word

Ultimately, this will only work out great for you if you are into the idea of solo travel, especially as a female. It is a good time to get peace, think, and be one with yourself as well as the world.

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.
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