
No matter what any of us do for a living or what our situation is at home, all of us are occasionally prone to everyday stress. Stress is a part of the human condition, and it can’t be avoided entirely. Some days will be worse than others, but so long as it’s managed correctly, stress is completely normal. Only when we ignore the warning signs of stress or fail to act on them, do they tip over into anxiety or stress-related health problems? Stress can be managed effectively and kept at bay, but only if we’re conscious of it on a day-to-day basis.

everyday stress

New situations can cause stress, but so can the rigors of our familiar daily lives. Think of the tasks you go through every day as if they were the symbols on the reels of a UK online slots. Every time you spin those reels, the symbols will land in a different order. Sometimes they’ll land in the right order – and that’s when online slots players hit the jackpot – and sometimes they’ll land in the wrong order, and you’ll lose. If you don’t have control over how those symbols land, you’ll lose more often than you win. That’s why online slot websites always end up with more money than their players. Beating everyday stress is all about taking control and keeping everything in the right order.

The little everyday tips we’re about to outline below will hopefully help you to keep your stress levels down and stop problems before they start.

Switch Off The News

The good news doesn’t sell newspapers and doesn’t attract viewers to televised news shows. Bad news does. Because of that, the emphasis of almost every newspaper is negative, and the emphasis of every news-related television show tends to be similar. Extensive research has shown that consuming too much news can make you stressed out about situations that don’t involve you and are outside of your control. While it’s good to stay informed, try to check the news only once a day, and keep it brief. If something really important is going on, someone else will tell you.

Switch Off From Work

Human beings are now more connected than they ever have been before, and in most ways, that’s a good thing. We’re able to stay in touch with friends and loved ones whom we’re separated from by geography, and it’s never been so easy to communicate. That can be a bad thing for our home-work balance, though. You can access your work emails from home, so you feel inclined to not only check them but to respond to them. As a result, you end up working later and making less time for yourself. When your working hours are over, switch off. Anything that’s not done can wait until the morning. You need time for yourself, and you’re entitled to it.

Go For A Walk

woman on beach


Have you noticed that the tips we’re giving you are common-sense pieces of advice? Everyone knows what’s good for them really – we just don’t make time to do it. A five-minute walk can reduce your stress levels exponentially. This isn’t just folk wisdom – it’s a scientifically-proven fact. When you start to feel stress levels building up, stop everything for five minutes, and go for a walk in the fresh air. Just going and doing something else – even for such a brief period – might be all you need to clear your head enough to come up with solutions to whatever problem you’re facing.

Accept What You Can’t Change

Most of us stress about things that we can’t do anything about. We regret bad decisions. We wish we’d taken a different action at a different time. That regret turns into stress, and that stress clouds our judgment about the situations we’re facing now. All of the time we spend regretting what’s gone before is wasted time. It’s gone, and there’s nothing you can do about it now. No matter how bad the reality of your current situation might appear to be, you’ll feel better about it once you’ve accepted it and stopped regretting the path that brought you here. Instead of focusing on the things that you can’t do anything about, focus on the things that you can control right now. Control is empowering, and empowerment relieves stress.

All of this advice boils down to two things – switching off from the things you can’t do anything about and creating the right mental space to deal with the things that you can. Make those tiny adjustments, and you’ll soon be surprised how much more relaxed you feel.

By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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