Why therapy is important for addiction recovery

addiction recoveryWhen it comes to addiction recovery, there are a number of different therapies that are effective in helping a loved one recover such as what www.harrishousestl.org showcases. The type of therapy they need depends on the severity of their addiction as well as the living circumstances of the individual seeking treatment. Patients with dependents at home may find that an outpatient treatment approach is better than an inpatient treatment program.

Therapy and counseling are essential for addiction recovery. It ensures that the individual has the support and love that they need to get clean and to stay sober. Psychotherapy can help other mental conditions as well which often cause a person to turn to substance in the first place. Many people with an addiction turn to substance as a way to escape pain. They may have a past that they are struggling to forget. It’s important to address these issues first.

Once a patient is addiction-free, they often relapse. This is due to often not having the support system that they need to stay sober. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a relapse such as stress, reminders or cues of when they use to use, and associating with those who are still using. A strong support system will ensure that they have a much better chance of staying on the right path.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is typically scheduled weekly, and a treatment plan is develop with the input of the patient as well as with the input from multidisciplinary staff. It is more intimate and offers one-on-one treatment between the patient and the therapist.

This type of therapy is effective for several different addictions. A therapist and the patient will work through many different aspects of their addiction to help them work towards and maintain their sobriety.

In individual sessions, it can become groundbreaking and eye-opening for the patient who will most likely be able to see themselves from a different angle, and find themselves again. Those who have struggle with an addiction often become a shell of who they use to be. They get lost under layers of guilt and shame that comes with addiction.

Family TherapyRehabilitation

Family therapy includes sessions that take place in person, over-the-phone or online sessions. This kind of therapy is design to involve the support system of the patient’s family. This shows the therapist the dynamics of the family. Family dynamics could be causing the patients use of substance. Often times it is necessary for the whole family to get therapy in order to heal. You can’t expect someone to get better if they go back to the same environment where the addiction occurred.

In family therapy,  therapist use exercises and techniques such as behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, and interpersonal therapy. Other methods are used depending on the severity of the addiction.

There are different forms of therapy for addiction recovery including bowenian, structural, systemic, and strategic. Bowenian is is useful for the patient who doesn’t want the family involved. It is based on a couple of core concepts including triangulation, and differentiation. Structural focuses on strengthening the family unit and involves the family in the therapy sessions. This may include learning, observing, and enhancing the family relationship. Systemic focuses on the root of the problem and the past. Strategic gets right to the point and has family members shift roles of power.




Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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8 thoughts on “Why therapy is important for addiction recovery

  1. Such an important topic,sometimes we just have to be there for them and give them hope for a better future !

  2. Watching a loved one suffer alone is not good. Support is needed. Sometimes it’s easier to vent with someone that has walked the walk.

  3. Therapy is so important for recovery. I totally support it and wish someone I know would go. I know it would help a lot.

  4. Great information. Our town is plagues with people who use substance and so many need help but fight it. A good support team is necessary.

  5. Thanks for sharing this information. I’m currently trying to help a family member finds the right path.

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