
Low-Fat Pork tenderloin Stew

Lean Pork tenderloin, whole vegetables, and extra-virgin olive oil make this a healthy and wholesome meal your family will enjoy. This Low-Fat Pork tenderloin Stew is a great way to get your daily serving of vegetables into one meal and to fill half your plate with vegetables.

Easy Low-Fat Pork tenderloin Stew

StewPork tenderloin cubed in about 1-inch pieces
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 medium carrots, peeled and sliced. (We used baby carrots for our recipe)
1/2 cup (250 mL) turnip, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cup (250 mL) diced cauliflower and 1 cup (250 mL) diced broccoli cuts
2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil
4 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup Italian salad dressing

Cut down on prep time by using mann’s family favorites. We often use their Vegetable Melody Family Favorites when in a hurry Sweet Potato Cubesand pre cut sweet potato cubes.

In a medium skillet sauté your meat with tsp of virgin olive oil over medium heat until done.  Add a half cup water and add your vegetables and bring to a slow boil for 10 minutes.

Now add all the ingredients into your roasting pan and add 4 cups of chicken broth. Add any seasoning you like, like oregano, Italian salt or pepper to taste. Bake in the over on 400 F for 40 minutes or until veggies are tender.

We hope you have enjoyed!

Shawn DesRochers is a certified Microsoft technician and Programmer with 30+ year’s experience. He has written many reviews on computer related products and software, as well as reviewed non computer products here at Today’s Woman. When he’s not writing reviews he can be found at Blogging Fusion Blog Directory - or running his in home computer business.
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