dance costumes

Choosing the right dance costume can make a big difference in your performance. However, it’s evident that all people are different especially when it comes to fashion. Clothes manufacturers have always tried to categorize people into neat small packages and pinpoint us by their size patterns. It, therefore, becomes tough to get a dance costume that is comfortable and fits. Also, it becomes hard to minimize our flaws and accent our great features, things that are especially important during performance. Finding your personal style is simply about getting to know yourself. Here is a guide to developing your own fashion style in your dance costume.

Dance Costume

Write Down Your Unique Tastes and InterestAlexandra Costumes

Discover your likes, dislikes, interests, and personality. You may be a lover of ragged jeans or miniskirts, country music or rock, but it is important to think about each of your taste and what they mean to your personal style. Making a list of every of your unique taste and interest will help you to choose your personal style by putting a circle on those that you would love to convey.

This list will directly translate to your dance costume style. While you probably won’t wear jeans or miniskirts on stage when performing for the judges, this will serve as your inspiration. Browse an online dancing outfit powerhouse like Alexandra Costumes to see what sticks out to you.

Determine Your Colors

It is certain that the hallmark of every truly stylish woman is having a personal color scheme. You can determine your colors by assessing your skin, eye and hair color including those colors that you feel you look great in. You will then use these colors to guide you while shopping to decide the clothing that looks great on you.

Every year there are different dance trends that come and go. For 2018, we saw colors like Dusty Rose and Violet taking center stage at competitions. See which of your colors complements these trends, but don’t be afraid to go your own way.

Consider Your Dance Styleballet

Apart from your dance wardrobe representing your vision and creativity, it should be tailored to your style of dance. Put in mind the persona you wish to portray to the world during your routine. Supposing you want your style to reflect your personality or a character, this might lead you to take unconventional choices. Don’t be afraid to try something new if you think it will add a new element to your dance.

Shop Around

When looking for a dance costume, you want to be picky. Wardrobe malfunctions and style mishaps happen, and they’re never a good time on competition day. Shop smart by search smart by browsing different retailers, reading reviews, and doing your research. Concentrate on those items that speak to you. One final word of advice is to review the return policy. Many dance retailers will give you some freedom with returns since you need to make sure sizing is perfect.

Size Accurately

Even in the dance world, there’s a toxic mindset of needing to “squeeze into the smallest size.” The focus shouldn’t be on fitting in the smallest size possible. Remember, no one will see the size tag that reads on the inside of your outfit.

What matters is how you feel in your own skin. If you feel your best, you smile wider, you stand taller, and hence people will notice. Put on what will make you feel confident since a number won’t make you confident. Be accurate and honest in your sizing. You want to be able to move freely and look your best!

Research a Few Dance Icons Online

Researching a few dancers online will help you to find inspiration from their style. Write down a list of those popular people of whom you admire their style like professional dancers. When searching for their looks on Google, see how they manage to keep a consistent style throughout different performances. This will help you refine your own style.

Your Skill Level

Lastly, many dancers feel intimidated buying a dance costume that they feel are out of their skill level. Break away from this mindset. There are no right and wrong clothes for your particular experience, so choose something that makes you feel confident and strong.

Don’t be afraid to try your own style on for size. Even if it’s not what’s “in” right now, that doesn’t mean you can’t still rock it on that competition stage. Be yourself, no matter what your dance experience is.

Final ThoughtsDance

Since one size won’t fit all, it is possible to get your own sense of style when dancing. The chief reason as to why most people need to develop a unique style is to look and feel good. Developing a personal style helps in attaining a sense of comfort and confidence in the way you perform a routine.

It sets you apart from the rest, since you are uniquely connected with the very essence of who you are, and you are confident about it. Your dancing costume style is a journey that may take a lot of trial and error, but you shouldn’t worry about making mistakes along the way. You will finally get to know yourself better by just having fun and experimenting.


By Kate

Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.

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