Arby’s Poutine Dip Sandwich

Poutine consists of french fries and cheese curds covered with brown gravy. A late 1950s phenomenon, it originated in Quebec. Despite its popularity, poutine took a long time to reach the masses, until fast-food chains like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Harvey’s added it to their menus during the early 1990s. Today, Canadians are spoiled for […]

How to Enjoy Tea for women’s health

Regularly drinking tea can make you healthier than non-tea drinkers as tea reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by 20%, according to studies. Despite this, Americans prefer to down coffee over tea, with one study finding that coffee drinkers consume 3.4 cups per day, compared to tea drinkers who have just 2.7 cups daily. But with […]

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