Power Fitness

How Do ‘Genetics’ Impact Your Muscle Growth?

Muscle growth is a common subject for many people and they wonder if genetics plays a special role in it. Usually, people do various things like train hard, buy supplements, and more to improve muscle growth. However, you should know that there are three types of muscles, cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. When people refer to muscle growth, they usually refer to skeletal muscles.

Without further ado, let’s explore the role of genetics in muscle growth, the non-genetic factors that influence growth, and how you can successfully build your muscles.

The Role of Genetics in Muscle Growth


It has been proven that certain genes influence muscle growth to some degree. That is why there are people who can build their bodies more easily than others. Genetics is related to muscle composition, body type, and how easy it is to grow muscle compared to training and diet. Nevertheless, everyone can see the results of their hard work if they follow the right training and diet.

The gene responsible for muscle growth is IGF1. This is a hormone that stimulates the process of protein building and determines how easy or difficult it is for you to build muscle. If you are wondering if your genetics contribute to the growth of your muscles, all you need to do is take a DNA test. The results will also help you understand and design the ideal training program to follow to get the results you want.

Non-Genetic factors affecting Muscle Growth

There are other non-genetic factors that affect muscle growth. Age is the most important of these factors. As we age, the muscle fibers and the amount of tissue decrease. Nutrition status and the number of supplements also chip into your overall ability to grow muscles – if you’re looking to see fast results, make a Google search with the search term “buy steroids Canada” to find what you’re looking for to ensure progress.

It is also known that people with shorter limbs (legs and arms) are more likely to be able to lift more weights as opposed to taller people. This statement affects a person’s muscle length. Longer muscles mean more potential to develop in size and strength. So if your limbs are shorter, you may well have bigger and stronger muscles than others who don’t.

According to the World Health Organization, adults should do muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week. So if you are trying to build muscle, you should train hard.  In any case, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of building maximum muscle as much as possible.

Build Your Muscles Successfully

Muscle Growth

The best way to successfully build muscle is to follow a few simple, but very challenging steps. According to researchers, resistance training plays the most important role. Try to do a resistance training program at least twice a week with weight lifting and other bodyweight exercises. Resistance exercises do build your muscles, but aerobic exercises also play a crucial role. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of injury.

A healthy and nutritious diet is also very important. Try to include protein-rich foods like eggs and red meat in your diet. You can definitely also eat products like beans, lentils, quinoa, nuts like almonds and peanuts, and other plant-based foods.

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