single mom

Challenges Faced by Single Moms

There are quite a few reasons why moms find themselves single. It may be that their marriage ended in either divorce or death, they might not ever have been married, or they may have chosen to adopt, be artificially inseminated, or have in vitro fertilization. However, what they may or may not have realized is that single moms have the most difficult job imaginable.

Regardless of why they’re raising a child on their own, there are challenges that they will all face. Here’s a quick look at a few of the challenges faced by single moms.

Household Responsibilities

single mom

Whether or not you’re single, we have household responsibilities that are demanding. The tasks that your partner may have done will be added to a list of things for you to do, and this can be both frustrating and exhausting. Some of those things might also be beyond your abilities. There are some things you might be able to get help with, such as handyman jobs or repairs that you can get local carpenters to take care of. When you can get and afford the help, you should use it. You don’t have enough time to take care of normal things as it is.

Financial Strain

This can be a challenge even when there is a partner involved. However, if you want to improve your financial standing, one way to do that is to go back to school so that you’ll be better able to get a higher-paying job. It won’t be easy at all, but in the end, it’s always worth getting more education. Going back to college will also teach your children valuable lessons about perseverance and hard work.

Social Isolation

Social Isolation

This is yet another challenge faced by single mothers. It can be incredibly easy to feel as if you’re trapped under a load of responsibility and that you never have the time or opportunities to invest in things like friendship, or finding a partner. Single moms who work, which is most of them, even find the guilt associated with leaving their kids in the evening to have some refreshing time alone can be crushing. However, if you’re religious, you might join a church group where childcare is offered, plan play dates with other families, and go out with friends on a monthly basis.

Decision Pressure

single mom

As your child grows, you’ll come to find that the game changes on a daily basis. This includes making difficult decisions about things like where your child should attend school, which children are okay as friends, and which privileges are suitable when among others. Fortunately, there are many places where you can get single parents’ tips and hacks that can help you along the way. You can also consult with other family members, friends, or even your religious groups. Though you are raising a child on your own, you never have to be alone.

Face the facts. You’re doing a two-person job all on your own. You’ll feel as if you’re spiritually, emotionally, and physically exhausted. That being said, your kids are depending on you. Because of that, you just can’t take the chance of pushing yourself beyond a safe point. You need to make your health and well-being one of your priorities so that you’ll be able to be there for the kids. Find ways to take breaks, even if you need to get a sitter for a little bit of time that you can use to recharge. You can do this by sleeping, growing spiritually, or even with a bit of exercise. Remember that you’re not being selfish if you need to maintain what keeps your home running on an even keel – you.


Daniel is a freelance content writer specializing in producing content on travel, health, and many other topics.
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