Signs Your Aging Parents Should Stop Living Alone

Decisions about looking after the people who raised us are the most difficult of our lives as adults. Of course, we want to do the right things for these people; they supported and nurtured us. Yet, we sometimes stress dues to families, jobs, and numerous responsibilities. But, life is full of hassles, and it can be tough to give the attention and time to our senior loved ones as often as they need. It can be challenging to notice that our aging parents need additional help because many older adults feel guilty or ashamed about not living optimally by themselves. Other aging parents do not even realize or deny that living alone is more than they can manage.

 Aging Parents

Understandably, many seniors want to stay in their homes, even if the possibility is too overwhelming. Home is the place they feel welcome and comfortable, after all, and they want to be with people they love and cherish. It is where they built beautiful memories rather than staying in an unfamiliar environment, much less comfortable and cozy. Moreover, many seniors have strong community ties, and they do not want to begin again knowing the people surrounding them. Finally, many older folks value their independence and freedom and worry that they will lose them if they move to an assisted living facility or nursing home. Also, it will be ideal for them to be under a home care service to facilitate their well-being.


If your aging parents or loved ones are more comfortable living alone in their homes, be watchful and look for these signs that might tell that they demand extra care and assistance.


  • They try to hide or deny problems.

They probably missed an appointment with the doctor or forgot to take their prescribed medicine. While these situations can happen to any senior who lives alone once in a while, when they happen again, and when aging parents neglect to tell you about these situations or hide them, this may be because they try to cover up some mobility issues or memory issues. If they turn very defensive, they understand that there is an issue. But they feel afraid or ashamed to accept it.


  • They easily get lost when going to familiar places. 

When senior loved ones get easily lost to the grocery store or community parks they have been to many times, this is a concern. While it is common for recognition to decline in later years, getting lost too often could imply early onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia.


  • They have trouble taking care of themselves. 

ElderlyIf you have observed that the hygiene of your parents is slipping, it may signify that they do not have the energy to take a shower or that they are scared that they might stumble in the bathroom. In some situations, refusing to shower can be one sign of dementia. Similarly, if their clothes are dirty, and they wear the same clothes for many days, this might mean having depression, over fatigue, or mobility issues.


If you observe unexpected weight gain, they may be eating heavily-processed food because they do not feel like cooking. Also, unexpected weight loss can mean illness due to living alone. Or, your senior loved ones cannot cook anymore due to physical pain, fatigue, forgetfulness, or depression.

  • They have mobility issues or may fall suddenly. 

aging momIf your parents were once super active but now stay on the bed or the couch most of the time, it might not be a sickness that makes them like that. They may be scared to move around too much for fear of a sudden fall. If you observe your parents are taking small, unsure steps, it is worth taking more attention to their mobilities. Moreover, be watchful if they walk while touching the wall to keep them steady, which may signify a lack of balance, weakness, or vertigo. Finally, if you notice bruises on their skin, they might be the result of sudden falls or trips.


  • They felt more isolated.

If your parents used to socialize with family and friends often and have recently restrained these activities, they might be experiencing mental or physical illness. Depressed individual shows a lack of enthusiasm for the things they used to love. Becoming more isolated may be a cry for help, especially for senior folks who feel guilt or shame for feeling bad and would rather be alone than ask for assistance.


seniorLearn more about the signs by calling Senior Buddies

While it is not simple to see our once active and bright parents get old and turn less active and mobile, the good thing is that there are many home care solutions and services available to senior folks than there once were. Nursing homes are not the only way to look after your aging loved ones. In-home care services are the fastest growing eldercare for loved ones with mobility issues and other cases. In-home care options brought by Senior Buddies help many seniors in Dallas and surrounding communities. We have caregivers that show compassion and are committed to providing quality health care plans for you and your loved ones. Above all, your aging loved ones can receive the assistance they need and deserve while surrounded by the people they love and cherish.


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