The Genucel System

The Genucel System: How To Look Younger

Genucel anti-aging productsMany people do not understand how anti-aging products work. They think that there is just one ingredient that will help decrease the signs of aging. Even though a single ingredient will not transform your skin, it is important to moisturize your skin. Dermatologists recommend that you start a regular moisturizing routine while you are in your 20s.

It is a good idea to use Genucel products. You will also need to have a good skin care regimen.

Drink Water

pixabayEveryone knows what it is like to feel thirsty. Thirst is your body’s way of telling you that you are dehydrated. It is impossible for the heart, lungs and other vital organs to function properly without water. Your skin, which is the largest organ, will react to the lack of water.

Chapped lips and dry skin are signs of dehydration. If you are dehydrated for an extended amount of time, then you will start to develop wrinkles. You can prevent dehydration and skin issues by drinking at least 30 ounces of water per day.

It is also important for you to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables that have water in them. This includes things such as radishes, cucumbers, apples and watermelons. The fruits and vegetables will not only keep you hydrated, but they will also help flush out toxins.

Start a Moisturizing Routine

Research says that it takes 66 days to establish a moisturizing routine. It is a lot harder to start a new routine later in your life. If you start a moisturizing routine after you start to develop wrinkles, then it may be too late.

That is why it is best for you to start an anti-aging routine right now. The younger you start, the more you will be able to protect your skin. Hyaluronic acid, which is found in the Genucel Plant Stem Cell Therapy, will help you keep your skin moisturized.


Exfoliation should be a regular part of your routine. It will help you keep your skin hydrated. If dead skin cells build up on your skin, then your skin care products will not be able to do their job. You should exfoliate your skin once every week.

Maintain the Appropriate Humidity Level

It can be difficult for you to keep your skin moisturized if you live in a dry climate. That is why you should invest in a humidifier. Keep in mind that the perfect humidity level is between 40 and 50 percent.

Focus on the Trouble Areas

Genucel productsMost of us spend a lot of time moisturizing our hands, legs, feet, lips and foreheads. Those are the parts of the body that we see the most often, so it is easy to remember to moisturize those parts. However, it is important to moisturize your neck and the area around your eyes.

You can include anti-aging products that are sold by Genucel in your regimen. These products can moisturize your skin without damaging the area around the eyes. If you moisturize regularly, then you can keep your skin looking great for the years to come.


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