working at home

Self-Care Tips for Moms Who Work From Home

It would seem that remote work would take care of all your problems. You now have time to take care of the kids, tend to the house, and still earn a decent living. Yet, for many women, what ends up happening is they spend a better part of their time caring for the kids, house, and job while sacrificing themselves. Eventually, what seems like a small sacrifice (the mother’s health), ends up draining them physically and mentally.

Lots of women who work from home end up physically and emotionally taxed. The lines between home and work life become blurred and they exert all their attention, effort, and energy into making sure their family is cared for. Before long, stop taking care of themselves and their well-being begins to deteriorate. If this sounds like your life since becoming a work-from-home mom, a little self-care can make a big difference.

Nourish Your Body

Tips for Moms

You may feel invincible, especially when it comes to your family, but the truth is you’re only human. Your body functions best when it is properly fueled. If your diet consists of unhealthy choices or you’re skipping meals, you need to make a few changes.

• Create a meal plan that includes protein, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy
• Prep meals on the weekends to save time
• Create a schedule that includes eating at least 3-5 times a day

A healthy diet isn’t the only thing you need to keep functioning at your best. You also need to incorporate exercise. Exercising helps to release the body of toxins, build strong bones and muscles, boost your mood, and more.

• Choose the right workout routine for you. There are lots of ways to get active. Do you like dancing, swimming, yoga, pilates, or running? Perhaps you could take classes for each to determine which workout best suits you and your health and fitness goals
• Buy the proper gear (for example, if you’ve chosen a pilates class you may need form-fitting athletic wear and the best pilates socks)
• Make time in your schedule to work out at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can get up 30 minutes earlier than the kids, go to bed 30 minutes later, or schedule an hour break during the day and work out after having some lunch.

Keep Up Your Appearance

remote work

You may not be going into an office every day to work, but that doesn’t mean you should let yourself go. Wearing yoga pants, oversized shirts, and a messy ponytail every day can wear on your self-esteem and lower your spirits. You don’t have to dress in a suit and heels all the time, but keeping up your appearance can boost your confidence.
• Get dressed daily. Whether you throw on a nice pair of skinny jeans, a blouse, and a cardigan or a trendy athleisure outfit with matching running sneakers, making an effort to get dressed can boost your mood.
• Find practical hairstyles. Consider going with an easy-to-manage haircut or other styles that can be maintained and styled without much effort.

It is very possible for women today to be work from home moms. As convenient as an opportunity like this might be for you and your household, it should not come at the price of neglecting your own well-being. If self-care has become last on your list of priorities, these tips can help you turn things around. When you eat right, work out, and look your best on a daily basis, it allows you to be the awesome mom and wife that you are to those you love.

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3 thoughts on “Self-Care Tips for Moms Who Work From Home

  1. yes, creating a meal plan is really the key. I’ve only just started doing meal plans and it has made a lot of difference to my health and schedule! As a bonus, i started taking supplements too.

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