Safe Email for Kids

Safe Email for Kids- Kids Email


Kids Email is a safe email provider for children and tweens. I opened an account for my daughter. Despite her Safe emailage, she is incredibly technically inclined.

She began using technology at the tender age of two. We purchased her first net book shortly after her second birthday. Since then she has advanced to her laptop, then her iPod and by the time she was five she got her iPad.

From the first time she placed her fingers on the screen, we knew she was a natural with computer technology. We have strongly encouraged the use of technology and manoeuvring websites. Recently though she has become increasingly interested in joining sites, such as Pintrest, and following webcasts on You Tube.

Initially I joined her to these sites using my personal email, but of course that became quite an intrusion. Disregarding the KidsEmail.orgintrusion though, I was comfortable knowing what exactly she was looking at online. The internet is really not a safe place, and we need to protect our children from an entire barrage of internet troubles.

I had considered opening a personal email account for her, but the safety just wasn’t there. Then, I heard about email for kids and that was the perfect solution. With the security of on the spot notifications to the activities on the account and the fact of no intrusion on my personal email account this was the safest email available for my young daughter.

The security features when you first open the account are surely welcome. I went to the website to open her email account and was pleasantly surprised with the amount of control I ha with all the settings. I was able to choose the alerts and completely customize the email account. First I chose her email address, which was readily available with her first choice. Next we set up an easily remembered password. The parent controls were next chosen. I was able to choose what notification emails I received and actually able to adjust these controls at any point in time in the future.

My personal email account was then attached to the kids email account, giving me a complete overview of her activity of any Talking Online Securitywebsites she joined and had access to. Each time she requests a page or likes any item on any website such as Pintrest I receive a non response email to my personal account. These emails provide me with a complete description of what she is searching and liking, as well as an option to deny the request. I feel safe and secure in what my daughter is seeing and participating in online.

Another benefit is the fact that my daughter is building confidence in her online experience. She is completely aware that I have viewing and confirmation of her activity but that she is maneuvering these sites independently. By instilling this confidence I am allowing her to grow with her internet usage. She is quite proud of the fact that at the tender age of seven that she has her own email address, which gives her the ability to have her own Pintrest account, you tube account and like many pages on the internet. She doesn’t have to constantly ask for me to log onto my email to join pages.

The world is not the same as when I was a child. With technology taking a front seat in education, social activity and communication, we have to grow with it. Children need to have the opportunity to use the internet but with the safety of parental controls and supervision. allows children this complete opportunity. Kids Email has been such a benefit for my daughter. I feel confident and secure with her online activity by using this service.

When I receive a no reply email from, I simply review her activity. There is no need to reply or confirm her activity. I can always access her account and make any security changes as I see fit. I think this email should be used by more parents. With the amount of online bullying and inappropriate content on the internet, more parents should be accessing and reevaluating their children’s email more often. My daughter is safe in her online endeavors thanks to

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