Arby’s Poutine Dip Sandwich

Poutine consists of french fries and cheese curds covered with brown gravy. A late 1950s phenomenon, it originated in Quebec. Despite its popularity, poutine took a long time to reach the masses, until fast-food chains like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Harvey’s added it to their menus during the early 1990s. Today, Canadians are spoiled for […]

Unboxing For Keeps dolls

Barbie, it’s time to move on. Introducing a new generation of dolls that aim to inspire. In conversations about belonging, dolls play an important role.  The Loyal SubjectsTM (TLS) recently introduced a line of fashion dolls that carry the message of self-empowerment and positivity to children. Designed based on parents’ experiences with children, For Keeps […]

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