A List of the Top 10 Gear Used in Tactical Games

‌A List of the Top 10 Gear Used in Tactical Games

Tactical or strategy role-playing games bring video games to life. For a few minutes, you get the thrill of live-action with you right at the center. But it is so much more than just the blood-thumping action.

The analytical thinking that goes into overcoming tactical and logistical challenges adds to the thrill. Further, you are in an immersive environment that makes everything seem so real. And who can forget the ultimate test of marksmanship, strength, and endurance?

If you have participated in the games, you know what we are talking about. But, what we have not mentioned is the need for the right gear. Read on to find out what you need to stock up on.

Tactical Games Ensemble

Stock up on the right ensemble for the tactical games. Whatever you wear should be comfortable and allow for easy movement.

Tactical pants that are comfortable and loose-fitting. You want to be able to move around with ease. Look for a pair with pockets to carry around stuff you will need for the games.

A long sleeve top for extra padding and warmth
Hoodie to cover your neck, ears, and head
Protective mask
Kevlar helmet
Protective glasses
Camouflage jackets, etc.
Load carrying vest for your parachutes, first aid kit, notepad, compass, pens, etc.

When stocking up on clothing, do take note of the weather. In cold areas, consider layering up. That way, you can remove clothing items as your body warms up.

A Sturdy Pair of Mens or Womens tactical Boots

You don’t want to wear casual shoes when engaging in battle. So, please invest in a good pair of boots to protect your feet.

Ladies, you have the option of  women’s tactical boots. Such are available for those in demanding jobs like law enforcement, emergency services and the military. They comprise high-quality, durable material. Also, the designs are comfortable, stylish and practical for outdoor use.

The most comfortable women’s tactical boots can endure the most demanding terrains. The non-slip soles will ensure traction even on the most uneven surface. The waterproof boots will ensure your feet stay dry and fresh throughout


Also, getting the right fit is critical if you want comfortable women’s tactical boots. This way, it’ll be easy to avoid blisters and injury.

A Load-Out Carrier

A load-out carrier gives you a place to hold your rifles and ammo. When shopping for one, look for a durable material. It also helps to have a carrier that will not hamper your movement. So, pick one that is small enough to carry around.

For traveling purposes, those with carrier wheels are pretty convenient. Ensure that it has pockets or straps to keep the contents secure.

Tactical Flashlight

Tactical Flashlight

If your game will run into the evening or night, please invest in a tactical flashlight. This is not your typical everyday torch. Indeed, you will often find them with law enforcement officers like police or security.

The advantage of tactical flashlights is that they are very bright and hardy. They can easily handle the vigorous actions of tactical games.

Your tactical flashlight should allow for the adjusting of brightness. On low, you can sneak up on an adversary. Throb lights can disorient the opponent, giving you an advantage point.

Rechargeable tactical flashlights will save you from having to carry many batteries. Just ensure you have enough juice before hitting the course.

First Aid Kit

Accidents are common in tactical games. That is why a first aid kit is necessary. Make sure it has all the essential first aid items for injuries. These include bandages, disinfectants, scissors, painkillers, tourniquets, etc.


If you have an underlying sickness, ensure you carry the necessary medication.

Hearing Protection

You can expect a lot of noise during the tactical games. The sound of guns going off can be quite deafening. Decide if you want over-the-ear or in-the-ear protection.

Tactical Games Equipment

Do take note of the following equipment requirements.

  • A tactical belt from which you can hang or attach equipment
  • Tactical knife
  • Rifle magazines
  • Sight accessories for easy spotting of adversaries. You may also want to consider night vision goggles.
  • Holster with active retention. Depending on friction to hold the gun can be dangerous.
  • Pistol and rifle.
  • Rifle sling to hold the rifle when you are in motion
  • Red dot sights. Please check if the tactical game organizers allow the use of red dot sights.
  • Magazine pouches
  • Plate carrier weighing 15lb for men, 12lb for women

Rifle magazines

Communication equipment

It is important that you keep up communication with your teammates during the tactical games. You can be sure that the strategizing will continue until the very last minute. It also helps to know where everyone is at every point of the game. That means you will need a headset and reliable radio.


Some of the latest radio communication technologies have encryption technologies. That would make it impossible for your adversaries to hack into your conversations and know what you’re up to.


You may need navigation tools during the games. Sometimes you will need to rely on the good old map and compass. Yes, with technology, we have GPS. But an authentic tactical game experience may require a more old-fashioned way of doing things.

Repair Kit and Tools

Sometimes, you may need a little help during the games. A pair of scissors, knives, duct tape, pliers, a screwdriver, and a jack, can come in handy.


But remember, you don’t want to add too much weight onto what you will already have on you. Be strategic about the tools you carry. Indeed if you can get multiple functionalities out of one, the better.

Final Words

Tactical games are so much fun. They engage you at a physical, mental, and emotional level. There is something so satisfying and humbling about completing a course and advancing to the next. It could explain why strategy games are finding their way into educational curriculums.

It is vital to ensure you have the right gear. We have mentioned some of the critical ones above. These include suitable clothing, like sturdy men’s and women’s tactical boots.

Please note you may not have to buy every single item. Some of the tactical game providers can kit you up when you sign up.



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