Why dancing is good for your body and health

Dancing has a positive effect on your physical and mental health. It is a wonderful exercise proving a complete workout for the entire body. Unlike other forms of exercise,  dance consist of various styles and there are various levels in dance. Let’s take a closer look and see why you should register for a dance class.

The Brain


Exercise lowers anxiety and prompts the brain to produce dopamine. The more dopamine your brain produces, the better you feel. We live in a society where more than 20% of our adults take some form of prescription anti-anxiety medication. Those numbers are frightening. Allowing our brain to produce chemicals that fight anxiety and depression is the only way to truly heal from.  Various studies have been conducted that reveal that dancing reduces dementia risks by 76%.

Your Heart and Lungs


Dancing can be a fun way to stay fit or get in shape. Dancing, just like any other form of exercise will help to increase your metabolism.  It is also a great cardiovascular exercise. As you progress, you will notice that your heart is stronger and your lungs strengthen. You will also find you don’t get tired as fast and you have increased stamina. It has been shown that people who engage in a moderate dance of at least 150 minutes per month have a lower risk of dying from heart disease.

Dance reduces shyness and builds self-esteem


You may have never felt comfortable talking in front of others. Maybe, the idea of performing in front of an audience gives you cold chills. However, when you dance you lose that shyness. Dance classes give you an opportunity to socialize. Many styles of dancing are cooperative, meaning that dancers have to work together as partners or groups to perform the dance correctly. When you begin to master your dance skills you will also build confidence that helps you overcome your shyness.

Learn the art of expression


Dancing is a form of art.  A dancer is able to express their  message and emotion of the performance to their audience. When you have experienced dance at this level, it is hard to compare it with any other avenue of expression.

Dancing is fundancing

When having fun, you feel less tension. You release your anxiety and learn to laugh, even if you find yourself struggling from a dire scenario that’s stressing you out. For instance, if you’re enduring something anxiety-inducing like a legal issue stemming from an injury you suffered and you’re going through the motions with your personal injury attorney, scheduling a gentle dance session can help you take your mind off the situation and provide great stress relief.

Sure, in that situation, you might struggle to dance if you’re injured; however, at least trying to do some light movement to some music (especially with others in your dance class or club) could help take your mind off things and relieve some mental tension, as dancing provides myriads of physical and mental benefits.

Ultimately, dancing is a time to let your hair down and just kick loose for a while – and, of course, nothing adds to the dance experience like having great and stylish dance gear.

Nothing adds to the dance experience like having great and stylish dance gear. Look to Just For Kix for your dance gear and dance costumes. When you look good,  you feel good.


As you can see, there are many great reasons to dance. You are never too young or too old to start. So, grab your leotard and tights and head to a dance studio.

Do you dance?


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