maintain positivity while under lockdown

Maintain Positivity In the Face of Change

These days the world looks a bit different. Individual states are trying to do the right thing and resume business when they feel it’s safe for the population. Unfortunately, not many people handle uncertainty well. It’s during these times that you truly test your strength and resistance. Listed below are a few ways to maintain positivity while under lockdown.

Catch Up Once a Day

Watching the news 24/7 puts you at a greater risk of having severe anxiety and bouts of depression. Instead of keeping a 24-hour news channel on day and night, turn it on for a half-hour in the morning just to catch up. After that, put on an educational show or a music channel in the background.

Pampering You

Even though the hair and nail salons are closed, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take a day to pamper yourself. Doing a makeover will lift your spirits and make you feel good. Online sites that, for the most part, still have supplies. Order a few things such as hair dyes, texturizing spray, facial masks, body oils, and a few new nail colors. Spend the day fixing yourself up.

Organizing the Home

Organize Your Home You have a very busy life. For the most part, you focus on straightening the home versus actual organizing. Now that you’re home, you have the time to go room by room and organize. In the kitchen, you can bring in new shelving to remove items from your counters, giving you more space to prepare meals. In the living room, an entertainment system with cubes provides a fantastic way to add fabric bins to store items like DVDs, CDs, games, and extra remotes. For the basement or garage, a large industrial storage unit eliminates the mess and creates a neat and functional environment.

Spending Time with Loved Ones

FaceTimeYou may be sheltering in place, however, you can still make eye contact and share a few laughs with loved ones. Skype and FaceTime allow you to stay connected to others even though you are apart. Make an effort to communicate with others several times each week to avoid developing feelings of isolation.

Make each Day Special

One way to remain upbeat and keep kids entertained during the pandemic is to add fun things to do daily. Using a whiteboard you can create a list of things the night before to give children something to look forward to. After your children complete their school work, you can add things such as exercising outdoors, arts and crafts day, and a scavenger hunt. At night making meals together, a movie, and game night are some wonderful suggestions to build a strong family bond.



With your entire family at home, there will be difficult moments. As a result, you may become overwhelmed and stressed. Taking a few minutes each day to meditate will allow you to clear your mind and continue on. If meditating doesn’t provide enough relief, you can try using CBD oils to de-stress.

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As the warm weather months come forward, getting outdoors can help you and your family feel normal. You can take a walk, play ball, or fly a kite, or ride bikes. The sun provides a good source of vitamin D, essential to building a strong immune system. Just remember to load up on sunscreen to protect against burns and future health problems.


Probably one of the most important things to do while at home is to keep up the routine. It’s easy to stay up later and sleep in with nowhere to be. However, these habits will become hard to reverse when the lock-down ends.

The Stay-At-Home order will end and life will return to normal. In the meantime, keep your spirits up and find productive and fun ways to maintain positivity and fill your days.


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