Cobble Hill family puzzles

Cobble Hill family puzzles

Cobble Hill PuzzleWith Christmas fast approaching you may be searching for the perfect family gift. Cobble Hill Puzzle Company is the perfect place to start.  Cobble Hill was founded in 2005 with a desire to bring high-quality images to puzzle enthusiasts around the world! Their puzzles have been described as durable, and fine quality. In todays world it has been increasingly more important to find ways to bring families and friends together for conversations and quality time together. A jigsaw puzzle is really a great way to unwind after a busy week and the perfect place to re-connect over friendly team work. It is the ideal activity for family bonding. Cobble Hill family puzzles have small, medium and large pieces all in the same box. Therefore,  people of all difficulty levels can assemble the puzzle together.

While Cobble Hill family puzzles contain 350 or 400 pieces, the puzzle pieces are large enough on one end so that little hands can assist putting the puzzle together. Puzzles assist children with their fine motor skills.

The Therapeutic Value of Puzzles

Kids aren’t the only ones who can benefit from doing puzzles though. Puzzles have therapeutic value for adults too, which is another reason they make wonderful gifts. Research has shown that putting together jigsaw puzzles helps to keep the mind sharp. This is one reason that they make the perfect gift for individuals with Alzheimer’s as well as stroke and brain injury survivors. Puzzles improve eye-hand coordination, and work on various fine motor skills. Sitting down and working on a puzzle can be a calming experience too.

Christmas Train Family Puzzle

I recently assembled the 350 piece Christmas Train family puzzle. The colors in this puzzle are rich and bright. The smaller pieces were a bit harder to assemble, and frustrated me, but eventually it all came together. I find the pieces lock together well. I assembled the puzzle on my own, but it would definitely be fun to do as a family. I must admit I hate the thought of taking the puzzle part and still have it assembled on my card table.

Cobble Hill specializes in scenic nostalgic, landscape, wildlife, and collage puzzles and well as children puzzles and illustrated scenes. The company has several Christmas puzzles that would be nice to give as an early Christmas gift to a friend or pick up one for your family.

Assemble your Puzzle

One assembled you can also preserve your work by gluing, mounting, and framing your puzzle. Cobble Hill family puzzles  also would look good as an art print.  Take a photo of your puzzle and print it to canvas.

If you are looking for something to do this upcoming weekend, might I suggest breaking out your favorite Christmas CD, make up a batch of dad’s homemade eggnog and enjoy quality time together with a Cobble Hill Puzzle.

What is your favorite product to purchase for a family gift?


Posts created 3

6 thoughts on “Cobble Hill family puzzles

  1. my daughters love puzzles…mommy not so much. i dont have the patience for them lol . I love the Christmas train puzzle

  2. I love doing puzzles. The whole family gets right in there. I used to do puzzles at my Mom’s. She loved it. Cobble Hill has beautiful puzzles.

  3. I was just telling hubby that our kiddo needs some new puzzles. Pretty sure there will be a couple under the tree!

  4. One Christmas is over we get our small table out in the TV room and get a puzzle setup,we have so much fun working at them all Winter long young and old alike.Yes you are correct they really have therapeutic value.

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