Tips to Balance Work and Family for Working Moms

Many mothers nowadays work both within and outside their homes. Working moms face an insurmountable task of balancing work and family responsibilities. It can be unpleasant to be perceived as not being completely available as an employee or a mother. However, this does not have to be the case. You can have a rewarding solid career while also being an active mother if you learn to strike the right balance for your life.

Forget about mom guilt

 Working moms

Most working moms that have a full-time career outside of home are sometimes criticised for not spending enough time with their children. Some women are unable to be stay-at-home mothers, while others want to return to work because they want to pursue their professions. Choosing to be a working mom for whatever reason should be praised rather than criticised or judged.​​ It is time to let go of your guilt over not being able to spend every waking hour with your child.

Even if they whine or guilt trip you, your children will understand how hard Mom had to work for the family. Sharing how important your job is with your family can help them understand how well you handle it.

Make Your Own Rules

As a working mom, you may be compelled to make comparisons between yourself and other working mothers who appear to manage their schedules more efficiently. However, try to avoid doing so because keep in mind that all moms have their own special ways of planning their days. Learn to create your own standards rather than living by someone else’s. What others may achieve may not be feasible for you, so do not torture yourself by imagining what you should have done based on others.

Do not think twice to ask for assistance

ask for help

Many working mothers today are hesitant to seek help, or they might feel terrible to do so. They believe that it is their job to be able to handle everything. That, however, is neither fair nor reasonable. On the contrary, requesting help is a sign of strength. Seek help from your partner to empty the dishwasher or ask your neighbour to carpool your kids.

You could also ask for assistance from your little helpers to help with laundry, cut and wash veggies, or walk the dog. If you find yourself hurrying from one place to another to make the most out of your time, you might certainly benefit from some additional assistance.

Laundry services are a great way to avoid doing laundry. With these professional cleaners, you can get your clothes clean without the hassle of actually getting out real soap and scrubbing! The laundry service also offers pick-up or delivery service which saves even more time in between washings.

Practice self-care and have some ‘me’ time


Working moms have a tendency of putting their personal needs last so that everyone else can be taken care of. But how can you intend to take care of anyone else if you are not taking care of yourself first? Hence why it is critical to schedule some alone time. Taking some time to rest and rejuvenate while taking care of personal needs will help you rejuvenate and flourish as a working mom.

Pick a day as your mom off-day and spend some time treating yourself to a spa, go on a personal shopping spree to get your favourite shampoo, and grab your favorite food. You could also have a relaxing hot shower with a water heater and get enough sleep to relax from a full day’s work as these are the simple things that even the most experienced mothers’ overlook.


Prioritize what needs to be done

to do

Instead of focusing on all the tasks you need to get done soon, concentrate on the specific items that require the most attention. Put together a list of three to four chores you wish to complete that day and check them off as soon as you complete them. This act will give you joy since you are making progress and it validates your ability to do several things in a day, both at work and at home.

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