Re-rendering Your House

Why You Should Render Your Home Before Winter

Depending on various factors, a home should be rendered once every 15 to 30 years or sooner if deemed necessary. The durability of the render can depend not only on the render type but also on location and how exposed it has been too harsh weather conditions. But if it is time to apply fresh render to your home, why should you do so before the winter? Let’s explore!

Note: It is strongly advised that you hire a professional renderer to render your home. In most cases, a DIY effort will result in an uneven and often unsightly result. It’s best to hire a professional unless you are highly experienced in this area.

Rendering in Autumn is Better Than the Winter

house rendering photo

First and foremost, it’s generally considered more difficult to render a home during the winter than in autumn.

The winter tends to bring worse weather conditions which can harm the rendering process, resulting in a less effective outcome. Low temperatures can also negatively impact, such as washing off top coats before they can properly settle.

If you want to have your home rendered in the coming months, it’s best to have it done in the autumn before temperatures drop and weather conditions generally worsen. Otherwise, you may want to wait until spring of next year.

Enhanced Weather Protection

Another category of reasons for rendering your home before winter relates to how new renderings can protect and benefit your property this winter.

Concerning weather protection, by opting for a new render, you can give your property’s exterior the new lease of life needed to maintain a strong appearance before winter. The alternative is to stick with your current render, which could further wear down in the winter.

Beyond harsh weather like stormy conditions, fresh render can offer enhanced protection against low temperatures. For instance, moisture can freeze and consequently expand in cold weather, which can damage your property’s exterior.

Keeping the Heat In

New render can act as a form of insulation for your home. It can reduce heat loss via cracks, gaps, and areas of insulation in your property’s walls that are insufficient. The result? Improved energy efficiency and likely lower heating bills.

Given the current energy cost, this is an especially standout advantage of having your home rendered before winter.

Regardless of the reason, the sooner you get a new render for your home, the better it will be for your property. And, again, the winter is not a good time to render a home, so doing so in the autumn is preferable.

Hiring a Professional to Render Your Home

As mentioned, most households should hire a professional to render their home. On average, the cost to hire a renderer lands around £130 to £250 per day. Of course, the overall cost will factor in both labor and the cost of supplies/materials.

When seeking the right renderer for the job, it’s worth getting quotes from 3+ professionals before deciding. This way, you can compare the pricing, experience levels, and online reviews/ratings (if available) of several professionals before choosing the one you believe offers the best value for money.



Rose DesRochers is a Blogger, Writer, product reviewer and Founder of Today's Woman. Please feel free to contact me if you are a company with a product for me to review.
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