Teaching Children to Love Learning

Instill A Love of Learning in Children

The best time for children to learn is when they are very young. This is when, according to research, they will easily absorb an array of information. In fact, research shows that children aged five and younger have brains like sponges. This is why it is so important to talk richly with them as children, it encourages strong connections and pathways in the brain. Adopting this approach doesn’t just instill a love of learning in children, it also makes it easier for them to learn more in later life.

Why Learning Is So Important

Teaching Children to Love Learning

You may wonder what all the fuss is, perhaps you’ve got by without a great education. However, studies show that those who are successful in school tend to be more successful later in life. By teaching your child to love learning you’re helping them to get the most out of their life. That’s an impressive reward for both of you.

How To Teach Them To Love Learning

The first thing to acknowledge is that you can’t do this alone. As a parent, you are busy and can set the right example. But, you need the support of a quality Croydon early learning center, they will do most of the actual teaching.

All you have to do is re-enforce the teaching.

  • Make It Fun

Teaching Children to Love Learning

Learning doesn’t need to be boring. In fact, it shouldn’t be. The best way to teach anyone to love anything is to make t fun. That means engaging with your child on their level. When they are very young they are extremely curious about the world around them. You can use this and let them guide you regarding what they are learning.

Use their curiosity, scavenger hunts, and even games or music to help them enjoy the learning experience.

  • Every Child Learns Differently

You need to accept that some children will learn by getting their heads into a book and studying by themselves. But, this approach doesn’t work with all children.

Look at what your child enjoys doing and adapt your teaching style to match. This includes checking that the early learning center you’ve chosen teaches in a way that is beneficial to your child.

  • Support Them

Love of Learning

Your child needs your support. In the first place, they need guidance regarding when to study. But, they also need you to confirm they are doing well. This encourages them to learn more, which is beneficial throughout life.

It’s okay to set a target for them but support them if they don’t reach it and look at what can be done differently.

  • Talk To Them!

This is one of the easiest things to do and yet often the most overlooked. Your child will ask lots of questions. This is a good thing.

When they do, you’ll need to do your best to answer the question. But you should try to discuss the answer with them and create additional questions as your response. This will expand your child’s knowledge while helping them to understand there is always more to learn.

You may be surprised at how well they react to being spoken to! Don’t forget, talking also enriches their vocabulary.








Freelance Writer, content creator writing about travel, lifestyle, weddings, mental health and other topics.
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