How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Child

How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Children

Let’s face it – life is busy and our schedules are hectic. It’s even harder if you have kids and they all have their own places to be and classes to attend. That is why it is important to spend some quality time together as a family. You and your kids shouldn’t lose that special bond you have. Here are some great examples of how to spend more quality time with your children and build a strong relationship.

Have a Taco Night

taco night

Instead of eating the same thing every night, make it more fun by assigning a theme to your dinner. For example, make every Tuesday a taco night! You can either order in from your favorite restaurant or prepare the tacos together with your kids. Kids will gladly participate in the making of the dinner and they will be eager awaiting Taco night. If you want to spice things up, even more, you can have different themes every Tuesday, such as pizza night, egg night, pancake night, and so on. Not only will you enjoy the food, but you can catch up on what’s happening in your children’s life while sitting around the table.

Play Their Games

Dad & daughter

Unicorn Pool FloatProbably the best way to spend some great time with your kids is to play with them.  If they like video games, take time to learn how to play them or ask your kids to teach you.  Funtastic Toy recommends playing with toys together, building structures out of Lego blocks, assembling a train track, playing with barbies or whatever other pretend play your child loves.

Summer activities can be a picnic in the park, camping in the backyard, or a fun day out at the beach. Be sure to bring the pool floats along. Kids can get comfortable and go afloat with a mystical fun toy like this unicorn float from The Floatys.

Fall is a wonderful time of year to spend time with your children. Have them help rake up the fall leaves them jump in there, go apple picking at your favorite orchard, go for a stroll through a corn maze or head to a pumpkin patch.

Winter activities families can enjoy together are skiing, ice skating, sledding and building a snow man in the front yard.

Fix Things Together

Things need fixing around the home. Instead of  tackling the hunny to do list yourself, have the kids help out . From the leaky faucet,to the fence you need to paint, your children can help out with the job. This is a great teaching opportunity.  Get the kids involved assembling that new doll house, by handing you the parts or putting together that new entertainment unit.

Read and Cuddle

baby bookReading is something you should definitely encourage your kid to do. If you’ve been reading them bedtime stories since they were a baby, then you will have no trouble with continuing the tradition. Instead of doing this only before bedtime, designate a few afternoons a week to cuddle up and read some amazing stories and fairytales. Discuss the plot, characters and events in the stories and books, and prolong that quality time spent together.

Kids grow up fast. As soon as they hit those teenage years, they will want to be left alone.  Take time now to spend quality time with your children before the time is gone.


 What are some ways you spend quality time with your children?


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10 thoughts on “How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Children

  1. Spend as much time with your kids as you can, because they grow up so fast and next thing you know they are to big for hugs and cuddles

  2. Camping adventures most weekends of the summer, and in the winter when my son has early morning hockey on Saturday’s, the four of us will go get breakfast together after his game/practice 🙂

    We love to read every night before bed together, in our bed.

    Friday night movie nights are something we do often.

  3. We make crafts, bake together, have family movie and game nights, at Christmas time we take the shuttle bus down to Meyer’s pier for the light display, go on walks along the waterfront, spend time with family and friends.

  4. Morning snuggles are a thing in our house. They always turn into tickle fights. We do family game nights, and movie in a fort night! We read every night together, and love going on “adventures” as my boys call them.

  5. I spend quality time with my kids by reading books together, walks, Laying on their bed together looking at the ceiling talking about random things, letting them help cook meals with you

  6. I so agree, spending quality time with your kids is essential. As we all know if you blink their all grown up and headed for college!

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